Field Trips
Important things to know. Please read!
We are excited to have you! Before you come to the museum there are a few things to know that will make your trip run smoothly.
Reservations must be made two weeks in advance and payment or payment arrangements are required at least one week before the visit.
Group Rate:
Groups are recognized as 16 or more and admission is $9
Tax exempt organizations including schools and churches must provide tax exemption number to not pay sales tax on admission.
Adult Supervisors
To guarantee safety, a minimum of one adult per five children is required.
Memberships and Free Passes
Memberships and free passes are not honored for student field trips. This allows Leonardo’s to honor a lower rate for your group. New this year, memberships are honored for supervisors and guardians, but they must present their membership card upon arrival to the museum.
Before You Arrive:
When you arrive groups should already be divided into a maximum of five children with one supervisor/guardian for each group. Also, please take a headcount of both children and adults. These steps are extremely valuable and assure that your group gets to begin their adventure as quickly as possible!
What to Do When You Arrive:
Upon arrival, the group leader should come to the front desk of the museum and our staff will assist in safely escorting your group into the Education Annex so we can welcome the group and share a few rules. This is also where your group will receive matching wrist bands. If your field trip is scheduled in the summer (June or July), special instructions will follow for entry .
The day of your visit Leonardo’s will assist with setting lunch times, location for lunch and storing of student lunches at check in.
Running Late:
If your group will be late, please notify Leonardo’s to accommodate your group.
Call 580-233-ARTS x102.
Age Appropriateness:
Leonardo’s is designed to stimulate play for everyone from small toddlers to older adults. When asked if preteens or middle school children will have plenty to do? The best answer is “It depends on the child and whether he/she allows themselves to play and enjoy the exhibits. There is plenty for young teens to do inside as well as outside at the three story castle.” If they allow themselves to have fun--they will have a great time.
Cancellation Policy:
In the event of an emergency you may reschedule one-time if the museum is notified with at least 48 hours in advance. Call 580-233-ARTS x102.
Ways to pay:
Leonardo’s accepts cash, credit card, purchase order or scholarship. View available scholarships below. Payment arrangement must be made at least one week before your visit.
Tip to make check-in faster: To help expedite the check-in process we ask that parents/supervising adults paying individually to please provide payment of $9 cash (exact change) if at all possible.
Leonardo’s is not responsible for accidents and lost items.
Field trips are first come, first serve, book your field trip today!
Reservations must be made two weeks in advance and payment or payment arrangements are required at least one week before the visit.
Group Rate:
Groups are recognized as 16 or more and admission is $9
Tax exempt organizations including schools and churches must provide tax exemption number to not pay sales tax on admission.
Adult Supervisors
To guarantee safety, a minimum of one adult per five children is required.
Memberships and Free Passes
Memberships and free passes are not honored for student field trips. This allows Leonardo’s to honor a lower rate for your group. New this year, memberships are honored for supervisors and guardians, but they must present their membership card upon arrival to the museum.
Before You Arrive:
When you arrive groups should already be divided into a maximum of five children with one supervisor/guardian for each group. Also, please take a headcount of both children and adults. These steps are extremely valuable and assure that your group gets to begin their adventure as quickly as possible!
What to Do When You Arrive:
Upon arrival, the group leader should come to the front desk of the museum and our staff will assist in safely escorting your group into the Education Annex so we can welcome the group and share a few rules. This is also where your group will receive matching wrist bands. If your field trip is scheduled in the summer (June or July), special instructions will follow for entry .
The day of your visit Leonardo’s will assist with setting lunch times, location for lunch and storing of student lunches at check in.
Running Late:
If your group will be late, please notify Leonardo’s to accommodate your group.
Call 580-233-ARTS x102.
Age Appropriateness:
Leonardo’s is designed to stimulate play for everyone from small toddlers to older adults. When asked if preteens or middle school children will have plenty to do? The best answer is “It depends on the child and whether he/she allows themselves to play and enjoy the exhibits. There is plenty for young teens to do inside as well as outside at the three story castle.” If they allow themselves to have fun--they will have a great time.
Cancellation Policy:
In the event of an emergency you may reschedule one-time if the museum is notified with at least 48 hours in advance. Call 580-233-ARTS x102.
Ways to pay:
Leonardo’s accepts cash, credit card, purchase order or scholarship. View available scholarships below. Payment arrangement must be made at least one week before your visit.
Tip to make check-in faster: To help expedite the check-in process we ask that parents/supervising adults paying individually to please provide payment of $9 cash (exact change) if at all possible.
Leonardo’s is not responsible for accidents and lost items.
Field trips are first come, first serve, book your field trip today!
If a field trip arrives without mandatory 1 adult to 5 children ratio they will be denied entry.
Let the fun begin!
Call (580) 233-2787 to book your field trip today!